
Sunday, March 24, 2019

Somali Piracy Culture Essay example -- Somalia Pirates

Somalia is one of the poorest nations in the world whose economy depends largely on their sportfishing industry. However, powerful nations have ruined the countrys fishing industry by using huge offshore fishing vessels and by illegally dumping waste material into the Somali coastline. The UN Security Council, the European Union, and NATO largely supported these acts through resolutions. Being confronted by these powerful institutions, a powerless nation, such as Somalia, does not have an array of resources to competitiveness this exploitation. To make their voice be heard, a Somali Pirate refining developed in the past twenty years. It consists of hijacking vessels and demanding a ransom. plot their actions did not attract much attention in the beginning, publicity and sentience of this issue has steadily increased. The purpose of this paper is to show that the Somali highwayman burnish has reached a point, where they successfully influence the global economy, which has conseq uences in countries close to the world.By controlling international trade routes, Somali burglars uphold this power. These efforts by the Somali pirates exhibit their disparity and signify that they will not deed over the piracy of their own resources without retaliation. To draw attention to their dire situation, the Somali pirate culture developed over two decades ago, raiding fishing and technical boats and ships in order to demand ransom from other countries. Though their methods may not be of the most legit methods, their efforts have been effective. Somalias coastline extends to just low two thousand miles, allowing control to most of where the Gulf of Aden empties out into the Indian Ocean, and creates a choke point. Equipped with small skiffs, firearms, grapnels and ... ... very reason this culture has been initiated, they continue to fight the war against the Somali pirates.Works CitedAgence France Presse. (2009, April 15). Inquirer.net. Retrieved January 12, 2011, f rom Inquirer.net http//newsinfo.inquirer.net/breakingnews/world/ find/20090415-199432/Facts-and-figures-Somalia-piracyReuters. (2009, April 15). Reuters. Retrieved January 12, 2011, from Reuters.com http//www.reuters.com/ oblige/idUSTRE53E2JR20090415?pageNumber=2Thakurta, S. (2008, October 10). Somalia piracy The world cant afford to ignore . Retrieved January 12, 2011, from Merinews http//www.merinews.com/article/somalia-piracy-the-world-cant-afford-to-ignore/144093.shtmlWright, R. (2011, January 16). Financial Times. Retrieved January 17, 2011, from FT.com http//www.ft.com/cms/s/0/658138a6-219b-11e0-9e3b-00144feab49a.htmlaxzz1BKVMULD0

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