Friday, October 11, 2019
Nutrition †Fast food Essay
Many people eat fast foods because they are cheap, tasty, and convenient. But do people know what fast foods are made from? Is it healthy to eat fast foods everyday? Do fast food companies really fool their customers? In the essay â€Å"The Big Fat Case Against Big Macs,†Ellen Goodman doubts that the best lawyers can prove that fast food companies, like McDonald’s and Burger King, are the causes that make many people become overweight and have health problems, but they can prove that fast food companies fooled their consumers, especially young kids. For example, McDonald’s uses toys as attractions to make kids buy its meals. She also states that fast food companies put slogans to make kids think that eating their â€Å"Big Kids Meal†will make them grow up faster. She also doubts that fast foods have nothing to do with the health problems because why would McDonald’s in France take out an ad telling parents that kids should not eat more than one hamburger in a week. She believes that many people become overweight and have health problems not just because of the fast food companies. Instead of blaming fast food companies, people should blame their sedentary lifestyles. Many people think that fast food companies fooled their customers, young kids, by selling their meals that come with toys. Selling food with toys does not mean fooling people. Well, is there any law that forbids people from selling food with toys? That is how people do business; they just want to get more profits from selling food with toys. Fast food companies don’t force people to buy their products, it’s our own choice. If the toys are the reasons why kids keep buying the meals, why don’t just parents take their kids to toys stores and buy a toy there? We can’t say that fast food companies fooled kids. Well, maybe in some cases they do fool kids, like in the part where they put slogans on their meals that say: â€Å"Do you want to be a Big Kid ? †Kids don’t have any idea about fast foods. The first thing that comes to their minds is that they have to eat this foods to get big ,and kids will just keep eating this foods, while parents keep telling their kids to be strong and big. Fast foods are made from some ingredients that are not healthy. Believe it or not, eating a lot of fast foods is not good for our bodies. In fact many people believe that fast foods are usually high in fat, calories, and cholesterol, which can lead to health problems like high blood pressure, and heart disease. For example, a friend of mine likes to eat fast foods such as McDonald’s. He eats McDonald’s three times a week, and now he has a high blood pressure. He needs to check his blood pressure once a week, so that he can maintain it. Fast foods are not healthy, so try not to eat fast food as much as you can or you will regret it. Ellen Goodman believes that there is no different between eating fast foods and eating slow foods. In this case, slow foods mean foods that are good, clean, and fair. She is right about that. People will get fat from eating both, fast foods and slow foods, and she also thinks that many people become overweight not just because of the fast food companies. Once again, she is right about that. Many people usually blame fast food companies when they become overweight. But the truth is fast food companies don’t make people fat, we are the one who makes ourselves fat. Let’s take an example, how many people do you think will sit down and watch a television after they eat? Probably almost all of them right? Well, instead of sitting down and watch a television, they could walk at park to burn their calories. The point is people won’t get fat if they do a lot of exercises. There are a lot of bad rumors about fast foods, like fast foods are not healthy and can make people fat, and fast food companies fooled their customers. Maybe some of the rumors are true and some of them are false. For examples, it is true that fast foods are not healthy for our bodies and it is false that fast food companies fooled their customers. As the conclusion, there are both good sides and bad sides about fast foods.
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